Hilton Milan Mijovick
AUUM Products Advocate
e hilton101@icloud.com
t +1 416-944-9100
Who am I?
My name is Hilton Milan Mijovick, a proud Canadian and career entrepreneur in venture capital, investments, advertising & telecommunications. I currently serve as chair on the boards of YOUTH DAY Global, Mental Health Support Network, and On Guard For Humanity. My passions include training as a classical concert pianist, martial arts, yoga & personal development.
I have experienced a lifetime of eyesight challenges. While surgeries and corrective glasses initially sustained functional eyesight for several decades, albeit limited to a single fully functional eye, my vision deteriorated due to cataracts and retinal detachment disease. Consequently, I was diagnosed as legally blind with partial vision in 2012. Despite consistent eyesight declines over the last decade, this trend was altered in 2022 when I was introduced to AUUM NeuroPerformance omega-3 oil as a health supplement. Using a teaspoon or two a day, after the first 4 months, I began to see, feel and experience vision differently.
I've continued this practice over the last 2 years, and have shared it with friends who are experiencing improved night and day vision, clearer thinking, and many other health and performance benefits. This product continues to inspire me to spread the good news of improving both body and mind health and performance substantially.
I’d welcome the opportunity to answer any questions you might have on incorporating AUUM omega-3 supplements into your daily health regime.
Action Steps
1) Contact me to start a conversation about your goals and objectives and about strategies that may include AUUM omega-3 products.
2) Try the products.
Ordering Products:
You may order directly from me, or you may contact me to learn more about AUUM products and receive exclusive AUUMEGA centre discounts on your online orders.